Selected Recent Acquisitions
Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain. New York: Penguin, 1993, c1992.
PS 3552 U8278 G66 Southeast Asian Archive
Short stories written from the viewpoint of Vietnamese now living in Louisiana. Winner of the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.
Capturing the Change: The Impact of Indochinese Refugees in Orange County: Challenges and Opportunities. Santa Ana: Immigrant and Refugee Planning Center, 1982.
F868 O6 C36 1982 Southeast Asian Archive
Detzner, Daniel F. "Life Histories: Conflict in Southeast Asian Refugee Families." In Jane F. Gilgun, et al. (eds.), Qualitative Methods in Family Research. Newbury Park:
Sage, 1992. 85- 102.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters File
Considers generational and gender conflict using life history research methods.
Dillinger, Barbara Jo. Adolescent Refugees: An Ethnographic Study of Vietnamese Youth in U.S. Schools. M.A., Michigan State University, 1990.
E184 V53 N35 1991a Southeast Asian Archive
Examines factors that impact adaptation and educational performance among unaccompanied minors and Amerasians.
Do, Hien Duc. "The New Outsiders: Vietnamese American Students in Higher Education." Paper presented at the Association for Asian American Studies annual conference, 1993.
Conference Papers and Reports File
Examines the adaptation and acculturation of Vietnamese American students at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Gold, Steven J. "Migration and Family Adjustment: Continuity and Change Among Vietnamese in the United States." In Harriette Pipes McAdoo (ed.), Family Ethnicity: Strength in Diversity. Newbury Park: Sage, 1993.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters File
Hoshino, Tatsuo and Russell Marcus. Lao for Beginners: An Introduction to the Spoken and Written Language of Laos. Rutland, VT: Tuttle, 1989.
PL 4236.1 H67 1989 Southeast Asian Archive
Gives English phonetic pronuciation for Lao sounds.
Jamieson, Neil L. Culture and Development in Vietnam. Honolulu: East-West Center, 1991.
DS556.42 J36 1991 Southeast Asian Archive
An anthropologist's view of the Vietnamese value system.
Lockard, Craig A. "In Memoriam: The Rise and Fall of Southeast Asian Historical Study in the United States." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 1981.
Conference Papers and Reports File
Detailed survey of faculty and programs at American universities.
Luong, Nhi Quynh. A Handbook on the Background of Ethnic Chinese from North Vietnam. M.A., California State University, Sacramento, 1988.
DS 560.56 L86 1988a Southeast Asian Archive
Data gathered from Chinese Vietnamese community in Sacramento.
Moore-Howard, Patricia. The Ethnic Lao - Who Are They? Sacramento: Sacramento City Unified School District, 1992.
DS 555.42 M66 1992 Southeast Asian Archive
Newell, Jean F. Vietnamese Amerasians: A Needs Assessment. M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 1991.
E 184 V53 N35 1991a Southeast Asian Archive
Concerns Vietnamese Amerasian youth living in Southern California who have come to the United States under the Amerasian Homecoming Act of 1988.
Outreach and Education: Reducing Black Market Enrollment. Study directed by Mary Ann Salamida. Santa Ana: Orange County Community Consortium, 1991.
Conference Papers and Reports File
Examines how much a group of Cambodian refugees in Santa Ana knew about the SSI program, and their use of middlemen during the application process.
Padilla, Amado M., et al. Attitudes Toward Alcohol and Drinking Practices in Two Vietnamese Samples in Santa Clara County. Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Programs, County of Santa Clara, 1992.
F 870 V53 P35 1992 Southeast Asian Archive
Shows that older males and adolescents are the strongest at-risk groups, and that there is a correlation between length of residence in the United States and increased alcohol use.
Refugee Information Exchange Conference, Sacramento, August 23-24, 1990. Refugee Resettlement: The Second Step. Conference Report. Uncataloged
Refugee Information Exchange Conference, Sacramento, August, 21-23, 1991. Resources for Effective Resettlement.
Contains summaries and handouts from the plenary sessions and workshops.
Reports on Results of Investigations of Allegations Concerning the Welfare of Hmong Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Thailand and Laos. Bangkok: Refugee and Migration Affairs Unit, United States Embassy, 1992.
Conference Papers and Reports File
Chronological listing, March 9, 1991-June 3, 1992.
Saengourith, Kham & Sueb. Khmu Weavers: The Art of Khmu Basket and Textile Weaving: With Autobiographical Stories from the Artists' Lives.
DS 555.45 K4 S34 1990z Southeast Asian Archive
Contains diagrams and photographs.
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Southeast Asian Mental Health Services Provider Directory: Western. Washington, D.C.: The Dept., 1993.
Covers Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington.
Welaratna, Usha. Beyond the Killing Fields: Voices of Nine Cambodian Survivors in America. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993.
DS 554.8 W45 1993 Southeast Asian Archive
An ethnographic study focusing on the adjustment of Cambodian refugees to American society.
Wilcox, Don. Hmong Folklife. Penland, N.C.: Hmong Natural Association of North Carolina, 1986.
DS 555.45 M5 W55 1986 Southeast Asian Archive
Detailed information about customs, religion, food, games, stories, music, folk remedies, housing and language.