Southeast Asian Student Groups at UCI

Cambodian Student Organization:

Meets every other Thursday, Student Services I, Room 203; 7:00 PM. Contact: Madineth Muy, 714/544-9097.

Laotian-Thai Cultural Club:

Meets every other Tuesday, Cross Cultural Center, 7:00 PM. Contact: Nang Khounpaseuth, 714/725-0725.

Project Ngoc:

Purpose is to publicize and support for Vietnamese asylum seekers in refugee camps. Meets every Thursday, 6:00 PM, Room varies. Contact: Khoa Nguyen, 714/854-5477.

Vietnamese American Coalition (VAC):

Purpose is to promote active involvement and to voice issues pertaining to the Vietnamese American community, as well as address social and political concerns relevant to Vietnam. Meets every Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 P.M., Crescent Bay A, Student Center. Contact: James Lam, 714/786- 4532.

Vietnamese Musical Ensemble:

New group formed this Fall whose purpose is to teach culture through music. Meets Thursdays, 6:30-9:00. Social Science Hall. Contact: Tam Thanh Le, 714/525-7278.

Vietnamese Student Association:

Meets every Thursday, 5:30-6:30, SSL 248. Contact: Ly Phan, 714/509-7421.