Recent Gifts to the Archive
Long Bui:Books on Cao Dao, including the bi- lingual Phap-Chanh-Truyen, The Religious Constitution of Caodaism. 1992. John Chang:copies of "Lost in America," Orange County Register, August 3-4, 1986; Hmong (Meo) History and Traditional Food Habits, prepared by Chongge S. Vang. 1989.
Dieu Dinh Le:copies of The Ky 21, Sept. 1993. Nguyen Long:copies of his Chu Nghia Tu Huu, Hien Phap, Che Do Tu Huu, Quyen 2. 1993. Cao Xuan Ly:copy of his novel, Tan Ra. 1991. Nhuhuong Pham:copies of Non Song, July, August, October 1993. Thanh Van Publishers:Nua Khuya Giay Trang (1992) and Thanh Pho Trong Hoi Tuong, (1991) by Tran Hong Chau. Thong Tin:June 1993 issue from Hannover, Germany. L.M. Tran Anh Dung:copy of his So Thao Thu Muc Cong Giao Viet Nam. (The Catholic Church in Vietnam: A Brief Bibliography of Sources in Vietnamese). Paris, 1992. Tran K. Them:copies of his A Profile of Re- education Camp Detainees in U.S.A. (1992); Tho Ve Hue (1989); Hue Trong Moi Chung Ta; Toi Ac Tren The Gioi; Luat le Va Thu Tuc Dia Oc Tai Hoa Ky; Cam Nang Tim Viec Lam Tai Hoa Ky (1993); Nhac Viet: The Journal of Vietnamese Music, v. 1: 2 (1992); Nguyet San Song, v. 8, 12 (1992), 7 (1993). Tong Nhiem:May - October 1993 issues of Nguoi Dan. Paul Tran:Vietnamese language periodicals, pamphlets and ephemeral materials. Trinh Quang Do:copy of his My Escape from Vietnam. Stanford, 1991. Do Dinh Tuan:copies of newsletters from the Vietnamese Community of Orange County, 1980- 1981; Doi Song Moi (New Life) newsletter from HEW, 1976-1977. Van Nghe:copies of 1993 publications: Chuyen Cua Mot Nguoi Di Cu Nhuc Dau Vua Phai, by Nguyen Ba Trac; Tieu Thuyet, by Vo Phien; Lich Su Van Minh Trung Quoc, tr. by Nguyen Hien Le. Thanks to all our donors, with special recognition to those individuals, organizations and publishers who send us their publications on a regular basis. We wouldn't be able to build our collection without you. |
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