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Recent GiftsMitchell I. Bonner: Ephemeral materials relating to Southeast American communities in the San Francisco Bay Area, particularly Laotian communities, including the 2003 visit of Ambassador Douglas A. Hartwick, the opening of the Iu Mien Community Center in Oakland, and the killing of Chan Boonkeut; 2003 issues of AsianWeek. Professor Nina Haø: Her Ph.D. dissertation: Challenging the monolithic representation of the Viet Nam War: Contemporary diasporic Vietnamese writers re-presenting themselves , 2003, University of Massachusetts , Amherst. Professor Bill Ong Hing: His article: Refugee policy and cultural identity: In the voice of Hmong and Iu Mien young adults. Race and Poverty Law Journal, 1(1), 111- 179. Robert R. Jones III: “Faceless wounds, Nameless Peac� program sponsored by the CSUF Center for Oral & Public History program and photos; poster for Victor Vuõ film “Oan Hoàn= Spirits� Professor H.D. Laux : Two articles: Gunther Thieme & Hans Dieter Laux (1998). Ansiedlung und Integrationsprobleme indoschinesischer Fluchtlinge in den USA : Das Beispiel Stockton/Kalifornien. In: F.J. Kemper & P. Gans (eds.): Ethnische Minoritaten in Europa und Amerika. Berlin : Berliner Geographische Arbeiten, 86-87; Hans Dieter Laux, Birgit Neuer & Gunter Thieme (2004). Westminister, Kalifornien: Von der Abstinenzlerkolonie zum “ Vietnam on the Pacific.� In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 148, 54-63. Traâm Leâ: Copies of materials relating to planning and publicity for the fall 2003 Vietnamese International Film Festival (ViFF). Dr. Vaên Leâ: English, Vietnamese, and French books and periodicals relating to the Vietnam War, Vietnam , and Vietnamese culture; English and Vietnamese language materials concerning refugee resettlement, Southeast Asian students, and multicultural education. Don Löông: San Francisco Chronicle article, Cicero A. Estrella, “S.F’s ‘Little Saigon,’ “ February 16, 2004 , B1. Mai Neng Moua: Paj Ntaub Voice , vol. 5:1, 6:1 7:1-2, 8:1, 8:2-9:1. Ngoâ Theá Vinh: His 2004 novel, The green belt, concerning conflict in the 1960s between the Montagnard people and lowland Vietnamese. Nguyeãn Baù Chung & Professor Peter Kiang: Copy of Neáu ñi heát bieån, by Traàn Vaên Thuûøy, 2004. Dr. Nguyeân D. Nguyeãn : Issues of the following periodicals and conference proceedings: Taäp san Y só Vieät Nam taïi Canada,Taäp san Y só Vietä Nam Florida, Taäp san Hoäi Y-Nha-Döôïc só Vieät Nam Florida, Kyû yeáu – Ñaëc san Hoäi Quoác teá Y só Vieät-Nam Töï-do – Ñaïi Hoäi 4, Ñaëc san Haäu Ñaïi Hoäi [IV], Ñaëc san Hoäi Y-Nha-Döôïc só Vieät Nam Florida, Giai phaåm “Vaên� Hoäi Y só Vieät Nam Florida, Giai phaåm Hoäi Y-Nha-Döôïc só Vieät Nam Florida, Taäp-San Y Nha Döôc UÙc Chaâu, Ñaëc san 2001Hoäi Y Só Vieät Nam taïi Hoa Kyø, 3- 8 2001, Giaûi Thöôûng Vaên Hoïc 2002 – Hoäi Quoác Teá Y Só Vieät Nam Töï Do – toå chöùc ngaøy 10 thaùng 8, naêm 2002 taïi Anaheim, California, Hoa Kyø, Baûn Tin Ñaïi Hoäi, thaùng 2, 2003; “Biographical information on prominent nationalist leaders in French Indochina,� U.S. Dept. of State, 1945; LEAF-VN materials; ALA glossary of Library and Information Science, 1966. Thy Pech: Ephemeral materials relating to organizations and events in the Cambodian American community in Long Beach, including C-HOPE (Cambodian Humanitarian Organiza- tion for Peace on Earth); Cambodian student organizations at UCLA and CSU Long Beach; program and script for 2000 Cambodian New Year celebration; Cambodian Association of America 2001 annual report; CD containing pictures of Cambodian refugee camps; article, “Driving lessons,� on Prach Ly in March 2004 issue of 562 (Long Beach); 1985 video: Cambodia: Year Zero Year One; Cambodian language DVD. Dr. Mark Pfeifer: 2003 annual report of the Hmong Cultural Center , Saint Paul , MN . Haïnh T. Phaïm: Nguyeät San Dieãn Ñaøn Giaùo Daân , vol. 26-27 (December 2003, January-February 2004). Karen Scott: Article on the Hmong: Stanley Karnow. (1980, January). Free no more: The allies America forgot. Geo, 2, 8-26. Yukiko Tabusa: Her 2003 article: Representation politics in US newspaper articles: The ‘Model Minority’ discourse over Vietnamese-Americans. The Journal of Pacific Asia , 10 ,47-68. Hoaøng Tieâu: His 2002 book of poetry: Cao Tieân Thi Tuyeån. Minh-taâm Thò Traàn: Copies of 2003 Vieãn Doâng and Ngöôøi Vieät newspapers; Ngöôøi Vieät Xöan Giaùp Thaân 2004 . Christina Woo: Bunnak Poch. (2003). Educational attainment and labor force participation of U.S. immigrant offspring from Southeast Asia . ED 477 38; available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) In the spring issue of the newsletter we annually acknowledge and thank the people who have donated their magazines, journals, and news- letters to the SEA Archive during the past year. We are very grateful for their continuing support: API Currents (API Youth Violence Center, Oakland, CA); Daân Chuû & Phaùt Trieån (Hieäp Hoäi Daân Chuû vaø Phaùt Trieån Vieät Nam, Warstein, Germany); Ñuoác Töø Bi (Hoøa Haûo Buddhist Church, Santa Fe Springs, CA); Friends of the Vietnam Center (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX); Hieäp Nhaát (Santa Ana, CA); Hôïp Löu (Garden Grove, CA); Höông Vaên (Traàn Só Laâm, Westminster, CA); Hmong Resource Center Newsletter (St. Paul, MN); Ngöôøi Daân (Costa Mesa, CA); Ngöôøi Vieät Weekly English Section (Westminster, CA); Söu-Taàm: Baûn Tin Ngöôøi Vieät Haûi Ngoaïi (Nguyeãn Xuaân Sôn, Fairport, NY); Thailand Monitor (Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok); Theá Kyû 21 (Garden Grove, CA); Vaên (San Jose, CA); Vaên Hoùa (Lyù Kieán Truùùc, Westminster, CA); Vaên Hoïc (Garden Grove, CA); Vieät Nam Daân Chuû (Garden Grove, CA), Vieät Weekly (Westminster, CA). Our apologies to anyone inadvertently not acknowledged. We are very grateful to all our donors. |
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