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Recent GiftsMegan Berthold:Statistics and graphics from the 1998 CSU Long Beach study "The effects of violence among Khmer and Central American youth." Mitchell Bonner:Newspaper clippings from the San Francisco Chronicle and Asianweek, periodicals, photographs, & ephemera from the San Francisco bay area, including program and flyer for "Mien ghost tales and other ceremonies;" flyer for the Lao band "Thunder." Tung Thanh Cao:Hmong kenh (musical instrument) from Vietnam. Carol Chai:Materials relating to Buddhism: Bo De Hai (Sept./Oct. 1998); Hoa Sen Ngay Xuan, by Hoa Thuoïng Tuyen Hoa (Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1998); Hoa Sen Ngay Xuan, by Hoa Thuong Tuyen Hoa (Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, n.d.); Khai Thò, by Hoa Tuonïg Tuyen Hoa (Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, n.d.) Cao Minh Chong:Thu muïc nghien cuu Dong Nam A (Ha Noi, 1998); 25 nam nghien cuu cac nuoc Dong Nam A (Ha Noi, 1998) Hien Giang:"Ve vang dan Viet = A Vietnamese echo," program for Vietnamese Culture Night, UC Riverside, January 16, 1999; "Niem uoc vong = Promise," program for Vietnamese Culture Night, UCLA, January 17, 1999. Kim Ha:Nineteen Vietnamese language books. Titles available upon request. Linda Kahn:Newspaper articles concerning Father Joe Devlin. Khoa Van Le:His music scores Dan ca Viet Nam=Vietnamese folk songs (1996); Giang sinh ca=Christmas songs (1997); Goi nho, ca khuc nghe thuat=Vietnamese art songs (1997); Nhac Viet men yeu=My beloved Vietnamese music book (1996); Hat cho ngay mai, doan khuc cho tuoi tre hom nay=Children's songs (1982); Duong vao nhiep anh cho nguoi tu hoc / Ngo Thanh Tung (1998?); brochures for VAALA "Decorative photography exhibition;" two books by Dr. Pham Kim Vinh, White papers on today's Vietnam (1996), and Vietnam, a comprehensive history (1992). Khoa Xuan Le:"Thank you America" November 1998 program celebrating the first twenty years of the Southeast Asian Resource Action Center (SEARAC). Luc Van Le:VASPES'96 conference proceedings, Vietnamese-American contributions in science & technology in the past twenty years. Brigitte Marshall:Phanat Nikhom [refugee camp] Press (nos. 12-20, May 1991-June 1992). Nguoi Dan:An oc noi mo, / Hon Hoang, 1998. Derick Tuan Nguy & Vangiao Phaïm:Their paper for the Fall 1998 Vietnamese American Experience class, "Premarital sex among collegiate students of Vietnamese ancestry." Nguyen Ngoc Bich:Radiologs and cassette recordings of Radio Free Asia Vietnamese broadcasts, August -December 1997. Nguyen Hung Cuong:SEARC The Bridge (special issue, July-Aug. 1998; 1998 year in review); IRAC The Bridge (vols. 4:2-4, 1987-1988; 8:1-2, 1991; 9:1, 1992; 10, 1993; 14:1-4,1997). Hieu Nguyen: Non Song (Dec. 1998); 16 truyen ngan chon loc / Non Song magazine. Khuong X. Nguyen:Giao Diem (no.,31, Dec. 1998); Hoa Sen (no. 35, Oct. 1998); Duc Me (nos. 147-149, Oct.-Dec. 1998); Nguyet San Duc Me Hang Cuu Giup (no.150, Jan. 1999); Nguyet San Giac Ngo (nos. 29-33, Aug.-Dec. 1998); Phap Bao (no. 51, August 1998); Phat Giao Hai Ngoai (no.15); Phat-Giao Viet-Nam (no. 105, Sept. 1998); Tuan Bao Giac Ngo (nos. 125-137, 140-145, Aug.-1998-Jan. 1999); Vien Giac (no. 106-107, Aug.-Oct. 1998); Kim van Kieu (video). Mai Nguyen:Her novel about a Vietnamese Amerasian girl, Little Daisy (1993). Darlene Nguyen Ely:Festival of Vietnamese Arts (Toronto, Ontario,) exhibition catalog; postcards of her recent work and exhibitions. Quang X. Phaïm:His op-ed pieces, "Honoring the men who died for my freedom," Wall Street Journal (Nov. 11, 1998); "Mourning a man of vision," [Walter Capps] Los Angeles Times (Nov. 9, 1997), Ventura County ed.; "Many are called, but few are chosen to be officers in the Marines," Washington Times (March 25, 1994); his essay, "A Viet-Kieu's homecoming" (April 30, 1995); related newspaper articles. June Pulcini:International Voluntary Services: "Twentieth anniversary" publication (1973); The Reporter (Summer/Fall 1975). Thanong Sithisombath:Payot khong vannakhadi / Maha Sila Viravong (Vientiane, 1996). Rev. Long P. Tran:His works Ky yeu Phat Diem 1881-1991 (1992); Nhung trai cui Viet Nam (1993). Nancy Tran:Materials relating to the poet Nguyen Sa, including his publications: Tac gia va tac pham (1991), Giac mo, truyen dai(1991-1992), Tho(1995-1998), Hoi Ky (1998), Vai ngay lam viec o chung su vu (199-?); compact disc Tu nhaïc hoa lan #1, tho Nguyen Sa (1995); Doi magazine, (nos. 21, 1984 & 33, 1985); Dan Chung newspaper (Jan. 30 and Feb. 1, 1997 issues); Dan Chung Vietnamese National Business Directory, 1997; program for his funeral (April 22, 1998); excerpts from Understanding Vietnam (pp. 249-250, 318-320.) Dr. Tran Si Lam:Huong Van, vol. 4 (Dec. 1998). Van Nghe Publishers:Duong may trong coi mong / Dai Su Ham Son (1998); Einstein, doi song va tu tuong /Nguyen Hieu Le (1998); Hanh trinh cuoi dong / Tieu Dao Bao Cu (1998); Mau tim / Alice Walker (1998); Mien tho au, hoi ky / Vu Tu Hien (1998); Nhung giot mua tren gian bong giay / Nguyen Hung Vu (1998),õ Nhung huyen thoai & su that ve che do Ngo Dinh Diem / Vinh Phuc (1998) Ong gia va bien ca / Ernest Hemingway (1998); Tim em trong nang thu vang / Nguyen Hung Vu (1998); Viet Nam dan toc bò doa day / Ly Dai Nguyen (1998). Dr. Vang Pobzeb:Correspondence, brochures, press releases, & newspaper articles concerning the activities of the Lao Human Rights Council; Hmong Tribune (Aug. 24, 1998 issue). Linh Duy Vo:His book of poems, Dear Daddy (1995). Professor Min Zhou:Her book with Carl L. Bankston III, Growing up American: how Vietnamese children adjust to life in the United States (1998). A special "thank you" to the following persons who made donations to support the Southeast Asian Archive on the occasion of the opening reception for the "Documenting the Southeast Asian Refugee Experience" exhibit. My Tanh La We are deeply grateful to all our donors for their interest and support. |
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